We emphasize that our generation: the labor market is competitive
In fact, the unemployment rate is unexpected
We would like to continue the investigation, the demand in post-secondary schools, what they see in terms of trends in the last elements, including the biggest roadblocks they face. Work problems, ill-trained and incapable of expressing their skills to employers, are the main problems which, in the opinion of the consultants in the perinatal organizations, are the main problems
According to Statistics Canada, a
Over the past two months, I have been eating away with various professionals from higher education institutions, such as the University of British Columbia, the Sheridan College, York University, Nova Scotia Community College, and the University of Toronto. It turns out that there were some of the main topics that the career centres in these schools saw in terms of roadblocks for new activities
In schools it was noted that among students who were ready to leave the labour force, there were, however, students who would like additional education to continue their studies. For some, they needed more skills; others wanted a competitive advantage
Judith McKinnon (Judith Mackinnon), Councilor Sheridan advisor, explained that they see many university students who take post-graduate programmes with components such as sharing or posting in the field. As an alternative, she noted that they had also seen around 30% of schoolchildren Sheridan, planning to continue college education to gain degrees
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While some activities seek further education, many career centres agreed that employers did not pay attention to young professionals with university education and college education, in particular (with the exception of professions such as accounting, medicine, law, etc.)
Allison Mander-Wonzek, Arts Internship Coordinator at the University of British Columbia, explained that individual employers had special needs, and students should explore the expectations of the career path to which they belonged. This may help them to better understand what education is best for them, in some cases they may already be sufficient, and in other cases it may mean additional qualifications
Employers are mostly looking for the best candidates with a combination of skills, education, and experience for their positions, but the statistics show this. Looking who do your essay? https://domyessay.com.
"Statistics show that employment is a little bit more in favour of university grads with employment growth of 74.4%, compared to 69.9% compared to the employment rate in colleges."
"I would advise students who are trying to choose between college and university, work on career planning and see which career patterns are emerging," "Felicity Morgan", director of the University of Toronto Missesausauga. "Students will be able to see the most common educational pathways and make an initial decision, knowing that they will probably require different forms of education throughout their careers (that is, not the final decision in education)."
"It is very important for students to be involved in lifelong learning," Heather Kelly, director of student success at the University of Toronto. "For some students who may be more educated, but for others it may be volunteering, traveling abroad, or even starting your own business."
In the schools I spoke to, there were some obstacles that the majority seemed to encounter and how to overcome them in order to put them before the game. Here are some general trends:
Career counsellors see students who are panicking at the end of their studies because they feel they lack the experience or skills to work with them. Employers want to know that the awards are responsible and reliable, and that they can hold jobs regardless of whether or not it is related to work. "The paid work in the executive summary is perfect, but the volunteer work experience is very useful in providing information to employers," Judith McKinnon said. From my personal experience, my volunteer work is actually more divided and pickled for employers than the ones I kept as a student and a young professional with real world experience
But what are you doing to help you build your experience? Felicity Morgan suggested looking for the next step in building your experience to the level you need. "He's competitive in the labor market, so he gets as much as you can help strengthen your position." Volunteering, networking, and participation in the campus are all suggestions that will help you build your resume, experience and become independent in your work
As a result of the lack of training, this does not mean that issues related to renewal and rehearsals are updated, although these sections are important. Students who are most successful in their work are those who laid the groundwork while still in school. At Dannanne Twombley of York University explained that the student who was involved in the campus would be smaller than those who waited until after school to start thinking about what they wanted to do and how they wanted to do it. Dianne offered the students better preparation for leaving the category:
∙ Establish links with teachers, students and potential employers both in and outside the campus
Heather Kelly, Senior Director of Student Success at the University of Toronto, suggested that students not only participate in joint work, but also get the key employability skills through internships, practicality and shared opportunities before graduation. The Ontario Superior Quality Council (HEQCO) in a recent report
The University and the Colleges can study in the workplace, but students must be able to express their abilities more clearly and demonstrate their abilities during the interview. For example, the University of Michigan
"The recent awards are equipped with professional jobs, but they cannot express their abilities during the interview."
It may be difficult to combine a summary that really emphasizes what you are capable of. Career centres in the campus can help to identify and articulate the skills and achievements that you have achieved throughout the school and effectively summarize them in their summary. Career Centers can also help you solve problems related to lack of experience in conversations with potential employers, which will allow you to gain the confidence that you will have an interview
"Students think that the degree or degree they reach will open the doors rather than look at how to sell themselves with the skills and knowledge they have developed, it has not been possible to create strong skills and networks while still at the school" Clarence deSchiffart, " the coordinator of the career and Essential Skila Community College
After discussion of post-secondary education and student work with the most interested institutions, I realized that this is not necessarily the degree, certificate or diploma that will install granulomas, success implies research and ensuring that education complements the field you want to explore. In addition, time is needed to gain experience, prepare for the real world and use it
In the final part of this three-part series, we will talk to the highest source to answer all of our work-related questions-the employers themselves. The last article will provide information on what employers are actually looking for, and that they offer new shades so that they are ahead of themselves
An illustration by the Satesh Mistry SLN
* Views expressed in respect of the author, and not necessarily for the "Student life" or their partners
Lauren is a graduate of the Sheridan College, who now works in the marketing of social media ... yes, she gets a salary in Tweet. When she does not live in social networks, she travels around the world and writes about it to her blog of travel